C.X.C. and G.C.E. A' Level Results 1998 and 2002

"C.X.C. and G.C.E. A' Level Results 1998 and 2002" is the latest report to be complied by the Science and Technology Statistical Unit.

The report presents the results of C.X.C. at the general proficiency level for school candidates by gender and Cambridge G.C.E. A' Level examinations for 1998 and 2002.

Summary of Main Findings

English Language
  • In 2002, 18,110 candidates sat the C.X.C. examination in English Language. Total entries in this compulsory subject reflected a decline of 2,472 candidates or 12.0% compared with 20,582 in 1998.
  • From 1998 to 2002 the total pass rate for English Language increased by 8 percentage points to 64.4%.
  • Entries in Mathematics of 17,219 registered a decrease of 1,949 over the 1998/2002 period. The pass rate, however, climbed by 14.1 percentage points to 51.1% in 2002.
  • In 2002, 1535 students sat the G.C.E. A' Level examination in Mathematics with a pass rate of 83.2% with 27.4% receiving Grade A passes.
Information Technology
  • Approximately one half of the public secondary schools (65) offered Information Technology at C.X.C. in 2002. Examination entries showed significant growth, from 424 students in 1998 to 1402 in 2002. On the other hand the pass rate declined by 11 percentage points to 69.9% in 2002.
  • At G.C.E. A' Level, only 3 schools offered Computing in 2002 with 84 candidates sitting the examination. The pass rate was 94% with 17.9% receiving Grade B and above.
  • At C.X.C., the pass rate in Biology moved by 11 percentage points to 71.3% and in Physics by 7 percentage points to 64.6% over the 1998/2002 period. In 2002, the largest proportion of Grade I passes was attained by one third or 686 successful candidates in Physics.
  • At the G.C.E. A' Level, approximately 80% of the candidates in Biology and Physics and 70% in Chemistry obtained passes in 2002.